Citizen Kane : Movie with One Of the Greatest Piece of Storytelling

Movie Wiz
2 min readMay 18, 2021




The movie follows the life story of Charles Foster Kane who was the owner of the newspaper company named New York Inquirer through which he manipulated the news and lived life on his own will and say . The movie also shows his downfall due to his pride and stubbornness. The movie is set into motion after his death and some journalists trying to find the meaning of his last words.


It is a Drama movie from 1941 which is based on the screenplay by Herman J Mankiewicz .

The movie is directed by Orson Welles who has directed other movies like Touch Of Evil , And many more Adaptations of Shakespeare’s classic novels .In this movie he successfully achieves to tell the story of Mr .Kane through the flash backs and story telling of his loved ones .

The Story telling in the movie is done absolutely perfectly which constantly unfolding the even though they prepare you for the story in the beginning by giving a overview of the movie with the help of a news reel .The main objective of the movie placed centrally throughout the course of the movie is perfectly revealed in the end which keeps you at the edge of your seat throughout. The dialogue writing is at its finest .

The movie starts the Director himself who gives a stunning performance in the most intense and emotionally heavy scenes .The others working alongside him are Joseph Cotten ,Ruth Warrick ,Agnes Moorhead and many more who give incredible performances throughout .

The movie is a peace of art with its incredible story telling .Even the philosophy and the ideologies portrayed are great . Its a movie to be seen at least once in a lifetime .



Movie Wiz

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